
A sustainable Building

Our Vision

In 2009, a major refurbishment was undertaken to make Worfolk a sustainable building in keeping with Quaker ethos

We aimed to create a beacon for a sustainable future through our development of Worfolk Cottage. The building was renovated to the highest standards of environmentally sound building practice available at the time and subsequent work has maintained and updated this.



All materials were chosen on the basis of;

  • their lowest impact on the environment in their manufacture
  • ability to be used in a pollution free way
  • sourced as near to the site as possible

The main energy-saving and sustainable features are a very high standard of insulation for the roof, walls and floors. A wind turbine, photovoltaic panels, solar water heating panels, a ground source heat pump and a sedum roof.

By providing a beacon of sustainability we want to enhance knowledge and awareness of the link between human activity and the quality of the environment. We expect that users and others will be inspired to take further steps to reduce their 'carbon footprint' and to live with greater sensitivity to the natural world.

The following is a full list of the ecological features at Worfolk Cottage:

  • Fully insulated extra-wide (200mm) cavity wall construction to new wrap-around extension
  • Insulated dry-lining to the original stone walls
  • Provision of high levels of insulation under the new ground floor construction
  • Sheep’s wool loft insulation to the roof
  • Draught sealing and regulated ventilation to improve thermal performance
  • Low energy, argon filled double glazed energy efficient timber doors and windows
  • Energy efficient wood stove using CO2 neutral fuel
  • Provision of low energy lighting system throughout
  • Inclusion of draught lobby to new entrance for heat retention
  • Glazed conservatory entrance lobby/cloaks area as passive sunspace
  • Full access & provision made for disabled persons
  • Four low flush water saving toilets
  • Showers and wash basins with water saving aerated heads supplied by solar hot water
  • 2 kW of photovoltaic solar panels to produce renewable electricity from the sun
  • 2.5 kW wind turbine on 6m mast to produce renewable electricity from the wind
  • Evacuated tube solar hot water panels providing naturally heated hot water
  • 4 kW ground source heat pump feeding a radiant under floor heating system
  • Natural green sedum roof to the extension providing a bio diverse living roof
  • Extensive, high specification glazing and roof lights providing high levels of natural light to new layout
  • Rainwater harvesting, and rain water recycling for toilet flushing and non-potable uses
  • Provision for recycling facilities
  • Larger sun lounge dining area with access hatch to the kitchen and scope for community access
  • Recycled aggregate concrete blocks used in all new masonry walls
  • Solvent free emulsion paints used throughout